Saturday, August 8, 2009

If the day came when I felt a natural emotion, I'd get such a shock I'd probably jump in the ocean

When I was in 7th grade, I wrote a play that the school performed, called "Untitled". It was about a boy, played by myself, who was the outcast/androgynous punk kid at school. Everyone made really bad fun of me for that. I sat on my computer and listened to the Clash and wished I was a cool older person who wrote hip blogs instead of plays.

But here I am, jobless, listening to the Clash on my computer, writing in my hip blog, and I'd give anything to be a freaky 7th grader who wrote plays, and who did not have the lungs of someone who has smoked for 7 years.

I'd give anything to be there, in love for the first time ever; doing every single thing for the first time ever.


Gravity Wins Again said...

i'm sitting here, jobless, listening to richard hell, reading my friend's hip blogs daydreaming about being in 3rd grade when my teacher stopped class, wrote the word nigger very large on the board and proceeded to give a hour lecture on the word. parallel feelings.

what happened to the planet?

Laurie said...

Sometimes I will just stop and think there are certain times when it would be healthy for us to be around each other.

And then I feel like I'm in high school again, when everything was a first time, and there was this thought that all the problems could be solved by proximity to certain people. In other words, nothing's changed.

This entry of yours is the first one I've really understood in a while.

Organic Meatbag said...

You and me both... I would give anything to know then what I know now...