Saturday, March 28, 2009

Where there's a wig, there is a way

There isn't enough time to learn everything that you want, love all of your friends equally, figure out how to say exactly what you mean, make a home, try to rationalize love, sustain passion and motivation, express your affection physically, create art which you can be proud of, relax and be frivolous, make mistakes which you can learn from, to mourn when the time comes, keep in touch with all the people you care about who have drifted off to other parts of the world, or to isolate yourself in peaceful moments of introspection.. but at the same time, there sort of is, and sometimes it takes being asphyxiated by your apron on your bike (and nearly dying) to make you realize this. While I could barely breathe, all I thought of was my friends, how much I love them all, and how proud I am to have made them. There are so many more things I love about my own life than I think I have ever realized. I am happy to be me in this world right now.

Sometimes you look at someone and you feel yourself about to say, "I want to kiss you. Right now.", you don't, and maybe you didn't even feel that way at all.