Sunday, June 28, 2009

Is your life weird?

Take some time to think about whether or not your life is weird.

Did you think of the answer yet? Do you know the answer?

Yes. Your life is weird.

My life is weird because I am scared of checking my voicemail, opening mail, paying more than 50 dollars for anything no matter what it is, I always get tiny zits on my forehead scar, I can't even give it a try to want someone who wants me, I feel ugly I'm not ugly, I'm never actually home.. that the way air conditioning feels is how I feel for them, the way the trees on the side of the road look at night, the sound of a television playing in the other room, the spaces in a hardwood floor, the way it feels when someone dies, the way it feels to want die is how I feel for them.

Why is your life weird?

1 comment:

Laurie said...

This is actually such a good question.

I'd be *happier* for the time being if I *didn't* have a permanent home. My pursuit of fulfillment in life can pretty much be boiled down to trying to be anywhere but where I am at any given moment. That, when I think about it, is weird. Also, I like cats.